«Noel was the driver that weekend in Clare, the only musician among his friends who did not drink. They were going to need a driver; the town was, they believed, too full of eager students and eager tourists; the pubs were impossible. For two or three nights they would aim for empty country pubs or private houses. Noel played the tin whistle with more skill than flair, better always accompanying a large group than playing alone. His singing voice, however, was special, even though it had nothing of the strength and individuality of his mother's voice, known to all of them from one recording made in the early seventies. He could do perfect harmony with anybody, moving a fraction above or below, roaming freely around the other voice, no matter what sort of voice it was. He did not have an actual singing voice, he used to joke, he had an ear, and in that small world it was agreed that his ear was flawless.»
in Colm Tóibín, "A Song", Mothers and Sons (2006 UK; 2007 USA)
Para quando em português, se nem o premiadíssimo romance The Master – sobre o esteta Henry James – tem data marcada para a edição portuguesa? O segundo melhor escritor irlandês vivo – o melhor é Banville – tem apenas dois livros editados em Portugal, e o último – O Navio-Farol de Blackwater, 1999, ed. port. 2001 – foi editado pelo Dom Quixote, que, decerto, deterá os respectivos direitos de publicação em solo luso.
Depois desta última informação está praticamente tudo dito, não será assim?
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